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Frequently Asked Questions about registration and the Registrar’s Office

  1. How do I declare a major or minor?
  2. How do I apply for graduation?
  3. How do I change my address?
  4. How do I order an official transcript?
  5. How do I order an unofficial transcript?
  6. How do I obtain an enrollment verification?
  7. How do I make changes to my schedule?
  8. How to I take a class pass/fail?
  9. How do I withdraw from a class?
  10. How can I find out what classes are still open or will be taught next semester?
  11. What happens to Incomplete (“I”) grades?
  12. How do I transfer in courses from other colleges?
  13. What are Reading Tutorials?
  14. How do I calculate my major GPA?
  15. What is FERPA?
  16. How do I change or drop my major or minor?
  17. Will grades I received at another institution count toward my GPA?
  18. What GPA do I need to get graduation honors?
  19. What GPA do I need to get Dean’s List honors?

1.  To declare a major or minor, current students should log into the College portal and proceed to the Major & Minor Declarations link under the Students tab. Select the form for the major or minor you are going to declare. Schedule a meeting with that Department Chair, who will assign an advisor. The completed form should then be forwarded to the Registrar’s Office for processing.


2.  In the spring semester of their junior year, students will receive an email from the Registrar asking them to confirm their intent to graduate. Students should respond to this email accordingly.


3.  To change your address, current students should log into the College portal and proceed to the Personal Information link under the Students tab. Make necessary changes and click the Save button. Changes are NOT automatic, so please allow 3-5 days for the changes to take effect. NOTE: the Address link is for student addresses; the Family Contact link is for family and emergency contact addresses. If a home address changes, you will need to submit the change through both links.


4.  To order an official transcript, click on the Transcript Requests link in the left sidebar menu.


5.  To obtain an unofficial transcript, current students should log into the College portal and proceed to the Unofficial Transcript link under the Students tab.

Randolph College does not issue unofficial transcripts to former students. Former students must request an official transcript.


6.  To obtain an enrollment verification, current students should log into the College portal and proceed to the Enrollment Verification link under the Students tab, then follow the links to the NSC. If you have any questions or need information other than what the NSC provides, please contact the Registrar’s office.


7.  To make changes to your schedule, students should log into the College portal and proceed to the Registration link under the Students tab.  If the online system is not available, students should print an Add/Drop form from the portal, obtain their advisor signature, and submit to the Registrar’s Office for processing.


8. To change a class to the pass/fail grade option, print the pass/fail form from the portal, obtain both the advisor and instructor signatures, and then submit to the Registrar’s Office for processing.


9. To withdraw from a class, print the withdrawal form from the portal, obtain both the advisor and instructor signatures, and then submit to the Registrar’s Office for processing.


10. To find out what classes are still open or will be taught next session/semester, click the Course Offerings link in the left sidebar menu. Once on that page, you can use the Course Section Search link for current, up-to-date course information.


11.  Incomplete, or “I”, grades must be changed by the instructor using a Change of Grade Form. The student must submit all required work before the end of the 2nd week of classes of the following semester, unless an earlier date is specified. An “I” grade that is not replaced before the end of the 3rd week of classes automatically becomes an “F”.


12.  To transfer in courses from other colleges, click the Transfer of Credit and Summer Classes link in the left sidebar menu. Current students should submit a signed Transfer of Credit Approval (TCA) form before taking classes to transfer in to the College.


13.  If you attended Randolph’s World in Britain Program (Randolph@Reading), you may have received Reading Tutorial documents as part of your final grade report.


14.  To calculate your major GPA, current students should log into the College portal and proceed to the Calculating Your Grade Point Average under the Students tab. There is a form you can download and enter your information.


15.  FERPA is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, which protects the privacy of educational records, establishes students’ rights to inspect their records, provides guidelines for correcting inaccurate of misleading data, and permits students to file complaints with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office. Additional and more specific information can be found in the Academic Catalog.


16.  Technically, you do not change your major/minor. Instead, you drop a previously declared major/minor using the Drop Major/Minor Form (this form can be picked up in the Registrar’s Office). Then declare the new major/minor using the forms located on the College portal under the Major & Minor Declarations link under the Students tab (see question 1 for current information on how to declare a major or minor).


17.  No grade earned elsewhere will be recorded on the Randolph College transcript nor will the hours of credit and grades be included in computing the academic average, with the exception of grades earned at certain institutions with which Randolph College has affiliations.


18.  Students with superior academic achievement are awarded the academic distinctions of summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude with the Bachelor’s degree as follows:

 Summa Cum Laude  ……………  a GPA of 3.9
 Magna Cum Laude  ……………  a GPA of 3.7
 Cum Laude  ……………  a GPA of 3.5

The preceding grade point averages, rounded, must be achieved in all courses taken through Randolph College.


19.  At the end of each semester the College publishes the Dean’s List. To qualify for the Dean’s List, student must earn a minimum of 3.5 semester GPA (rounded to one digit after the decimal) with no grade lower than a D. A student whose record contains an Incomplete (I) is not eligible for the Dean’s List until that I is changed to a letter grade; at that time, the student becomes eligible provided that the other requirements are met. When a student has been named to the Dean’s List, a notation is included on the academic record. Part-time students carrying fewer than 12 hours per semester are recognized on an annual Dean’s List covering the full year’s work.

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